Saturday, January 25, 2025

10 Things You Should Quietly Eliminate from Your Life – A Stoic Guide to...

So clear, true and powerful! The heart of Stoic wisdom and the human experience.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Leave Behind These 6 Habits - A Powerful Zen Story

1-Procrastination: Need for Discipline; Do it now
2-Self-Doubt: Must believe in yourself, above all else
3-Negative self-talk: Cultivate a positive mindset & supportive inner narrative
4-Fear of Failure: Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow wiser; Resilience in response to adversity
5-Need for Validation: Seek validation only from yourself, live in integrity, then others will naturally follow
6-Need for Control: Surrender to life's unpredictable nature, cease fixating on outcomes, "let go & let God"
I will add to this that #5 is central to the notion of RESPECT, only I would say the title of this video can be misleading as the real theme of it is about SELF-respect. This is really about proving your own worth to yourself, and acting consistent with your values is that real integrity which becomes true Respect.


7-12-23 (5:38 pm)

Friday, July 7, 2023

Law of Reversed Effort

To be open, relaxed and receptive ultimately trumps the use of force, hustle and the will to achieve or conquer. Letting go gives us strength to hold on, as a tree bending (not breaking) in heavy winds. 
As Bruce Lee said “to be like water”. Wu Wei in Taoism, means to be in flow, flexibility and no friction. To give up resisting and fighting against the current. Surrender in action.

JD Zenie

Saturday, June 3, 2023

How to Stop Wasting Your Life - Carl Jung as Therapist

Finding purpose, "helping my father, the Sun, over the horizon"... Divine Play manifested in many forms, mainly in other beings and within at the core of my own being. Having purpose, a place of self-transcendence and ultimate fulfillment (full individuation or wholeness) simultaneously; all of which begins with deep dark shadow work... the first prerequisite is to normalize being curious about and investigating one's inner life, thoughts, feelings, and all hidden material. 

Great documentary of Carl Jung from The Academy of Ideas..

JD Zenie

" ..that gives peace, when people feel they are living as actors in the Divine Drama. That gives the only meaning to human life, everything else is banal and you can dismiss it. A career, producing of children, are all maya when compared with that one thing, that your life is meaningful". 
~Carl Jung

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Being and Solitude

“All of humanity’s problems stem from a man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”.
Blaise Pascal

Monday, May 1, 2023

Don't Worry, Everything is Out of Control | Stoic Antidotes to Worry

No worries are in any way helpful. Focus exclusively on what you DO have control over, the stoics say again and again! Vigilant, mindful presence, taking good care, is the best answer and antidote to compulsive habitual worries. Having done what i could to give my full attention and respond accordingly i am less inclined to dwell on it mentally and surrender control of the outcome to God/Universe and faith therein.

J.D. Zenie

Friday, March 24, 2023

Listening to Source, Transcending Content

The answer I was looking for in response to the endlessly overwhelming amount of content coming from outer sources. One must return to the body and authentic self, not looking outside oneself all the time for answers to life’s many challenges. The limited capacity and time for taking everything in from the outside is pointing right back to your inner source of love and light, and to taking practical action (a daily practice). To thine own Self be true. Sage like wisdom shared here by the author, so much more than mere content!