Discovery and learning of the LOGOS, essential language of symbols the message of which is Universal. Humility of human being as working process & ground for greater AWAKENING.."a Light unto oneself"
"The whole fun of the situation of the game is that you don't know the outcome, and that's why it's worth playing. This is one example of a viable game, one that involves a certain combination of skill and chance. Another example of a more ethical type I would call "trusting the game" because if you won't gamble, then you won't play."
Alan Watts
"He who takes the safe road is good as dead. From there nothing more happens, at least not the right things anyway".
Carl Jung
Amor Fati: “Love of one’s own fate”, no lingering regrets about anything past and no resistance to being fully awake and living in the present. The good, bad, ugly and the beautiful, all are embraced as interconnected phenomenon which we are powerless to prevent, so why not love what is without any reservation or wishing that things were different. The wounds may not ever heal nor the broken heart fully mend, but here is where divine light enters and illumines the dark confusion, angst and turmoil deep within the murky depths of the wounded soul.
(12/22/19 @ 3:46 a.m.)
Nietzsche on the Pessimism of Strength:
“The trust in life is gone: Life itself has become a problem. Yet one should not jump to the conclusion that this necessarily makes one gloomy. Love is still possible, only one loves differently.”
“The human will, that force unseen, offspring to a deathless soul, can hew it’s way to any goal, though walls of granite intervene”. James Allen ~ As a Man Thinketh
In retrospect, I should have read or listened to this great work upon first hearing about it years ago! Today I am thankful for the receiving of all such ancient practical teachings. "Impeccability with the Word" is where the creative journey begins, and often (as a masterful writing coach once put it in our session) this clear expression is both concise and precise, for the purpose of communicating only Truth, Light and/or Love whenever possible, and most importantly remembering kindness unto oneself. All implies a Being of Divine Essence within each individual Soul, that which IS the true beholder of Light, Love, Truth, capable of correcting all sin (defined as "going against yourself") and also of working by example to create/experience “Heaven on Earth”. Word becomes deed, however it be interpreted by me, according to my cultural/lingual dispostion. Meaning that is intuitively grasped, immediately & spontaneously.
"The work of Awareness creates bliss, removing obstacles and releasing energy simply by understanding the true nature of Life and Mind. Intelligence is the way to freedom and alert attention is the mother of intelligence.”
“All that lives, works for protecting, perpetuating, and elevating consciousness. This is the world’s sole meaning and purpose, the very essence of yoga...”
"I’m in sorrow. Psychologically I’m terribly disturbed; and I have
an idea about it: what I should do, what I should not do, how it should
be changed. That idea, that formula, that concept prevents me from
looking at the fact of what is. Ideation and the formula are escapes
from what is. There is immediate action when there is great danger. Then
you have no idea. You don’t formulate an idea and then act according to
that idea. The mind has become lazy, indolent through a formula which
has given it a means of escape from action with regard to what is.
Seeing for ourselves the whole structure of what has been said, not
because it has been pointed out to us, is it possible to face the fact:
the fact that we are violent, as an example? We are violent human
beings, and we have chosen violence as the way of life—war and all the
rest of it. Though we talk everlastingly, especially in the East, of
non-violence, we are not non-violent people; we are violent people. The
idea of non-violence is an idea, which can be used politically. That’s a
different meaning, but it is an idea, and not a fact. Because the human
being is incapable of meeting the fact of violence, he has invented the
ideal of non-violence, which prevents him from dealing with the fact.
After all, the fact is that I’m violent; I’m angry.
What is the need of
an idea? It is not the idea of being angry; it’s the actual fact of
being angry that is important, like the actual fact of being hungry.
There’s no idea about being hungry. The idea then comes as to what you
should eat, and then according to the dictates of pleasure, you eat.
There is only action with regard to what is when there is no idea of
what should be done about that which confronts you, which is what is."
The Book of Life, August 23, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995
Interview with enlightened teacher, author of "Who Am I? The Sacred Quest"
Interesting context here, addressing individual/collective issues of addiction to mind altering substances. Always Klein presents an honest inquiry into the spiritual-human condition and awakened discovery (via acceptance) of clear intelligent solutions from within.