Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thinking is about Past and Future, Reality is Now

A memory is a remembrance right now of something that happened in a previous now. The power to be and do fully always is found only in the present, where LIFE IS.

“Nothing ever happened in the past, it happened in the Now.. Nothing will ever happen in the future? It will happen in the Now.”
 Eckhart Tolle

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Seek not Happiness but Liberation from Ignorance, Fear and Sorrow (…and the painful addiction to pleasures, in pursuit of a false happiness)

You seek after only what you appear to lack, and as with the search for misplaced objects goes, the harder you look for it the more certain that it remains lost. Giving up the search, suddenly it reappears in that instant of letting go. To persistently keep looking for happiness is to keep insisting that it’s not here now. The very nature of joy is a contented state of inner fullness, lacking nothing, never seeking happiness in the externals themselves, and conversely empty of all unhappiness inherent in unfulfilled desire(s). 
In Peaceful Surrender..